Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger is a device that is used for transferring heat between two different substances. In this device, two substances are not in direct contact with each other, and heat transfer is carried out by an intermediate substance. Heat exchangers are known as one of the most important mechanical equipment due to their high efficiency and wide range of applications in different industries.
Types of Heat Exchangers:
1- Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger: In this type of heat exchangers, two different substances are brought close to each other through a tube, and heat is transferred from one substance to the other by the flow of one of these substances.
2- Plate Heat Exchanger: In this type of heat exchangers, metallic plates are placed between two substances, and heat is transferred from one substance to the other by the flow of one of these substances.
3- Air Cooled Heat Exchanger: In this type of heat exchangers, heat is removed from the surface of the exchanger by air using a fan or wind, and heat transfer is carried out solely through the flow of air.
4- Steam Heat Exchanger: In this type of heat exchangers, steam plays a role in heat transfer, and heat is transferred from one substance to the other by the flow of steam or hot water.
5- Recuperative Heat Exchanger: In this type of heat exchangers, heat is transferred from one substance to the other by an intermediate substance that is preheated by the hot exhaust gases before entering the exchanger.